Jones Farm Puppies

It’s 1:45 in the morning and I wake to the sound of my barking dog, MY lovely Cavapoo – Lola!

A few unpleasant thoughts enter my mind as I stumble out of bed and head down the steps. Planning on giving my dog a talking to, I took the steps one by one while grabbing the rail so I didn’t fall in my slumber. When I got to the main level I heard a constant dull beeping. “What is that beeping?” I thought to myself as I looked around each room. I got to the room where the dogs were sleeping and still didn’t know where the beeping was coming from. I opened the basement door and the beeping got louder.

Down another flight of steps I went and then I clicked the light on. The beeping was coming from our standup freezer. Why you ask? It took a while for my squinted eyes to open up and finally realize that water was up to the bottom of the freezer and some sort of sensor must of been going off alerting me to the problem. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I realize that there were up to 3 inches of water across the entire basement floor.

Hurricane Florence has finally shown her ugly face and my newly refinished basement was not too happy about it. After willing myself awake and searching around I found out that the other side of my house with the unfinished basement side had also received water. Somewhere closer to 10 to 12 inches of it and not only was my freezer in danger, but my furnace was very close to being overtaken by water as well.

It’s funny how your mind kicks into gear that early in the morning when a crisis on your hand. Waking up my sweet Amy to the “Hello, we have water all over our basement” went over about as well as you could have imagined. Now they were two of us in a sleepy slumber trying to figure out our plan of attack.

Thankful within a few minutes we were able to get some pumps running that were able to help keep pace with the water that was entering the house. Three years in this place in our basement had never received water. That’s why we took the steps to remodel and give ourselves a nice finished basement. Now, that idea was not seeming like the best one. But we could have avoided this. Keep reading to find out. Florence is being said to be one of those 500 year type storms.

As I get older, I’m trying to use technology to my advantage and not to just be an avenue for wasting more time. As of this blog, I have placed an order for a device that could have save me. Well, the first device should have been having a pump already installed in the basement to start working immediately if there was rain. This 500 year type flood may cause me to take that step for the future. Lola was a great notification for me. However, having that be my prime way of being notified of some calamity is probably not my best approach. I have found a great technological device that would help notify me of any sort of trouble in the future and I suggest you take a moment and consider it for yourself. If I didn’t know about the water When my dog started barking, I would’ve slept for about four more hours and by that time my furnace would have been ruined along with my freezer and many more items in my basement.

For just $25, I can have a safety notification right at my fingertips. Check out the links on the side page for a number of economical options. This wireless device would let me know if the water was rising and notify made me on my cell phone immediately.

The beep would have woke me up just like my Lola!

Looking to help those who were impacted by Hurricane Florence? Check out The Carolina Clothing Company and get a shirt for a great cause!

Published On: September 25, 2018Last Updated: August 13, 2024Categories: Uncategorized

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