How do you take care of a puppy’s coat?

how to care for your puppy's coat, cute cavapoo in chair

Caring for Cavapoo and Goldendoodle Coats: A Guide from Jones Farm Puppies

As a dedicated breeder, I’ve had the privilege of nurturing many Cavapoos and Goldendoodles. These delightful breeds are known for their luxurious, fluffy coats, which require special care to keep them looking their best. Let me share some of my favorite tips and experiences to help you maintain your pup’s beautiful coat.

The Joy of Grooming

Grooming your Cavapoo or Goldendoodle is more than just a routine—it’s a cherished bonding time. These moments of brushing, bathing, and pampering not only keep their coats healthy but also strengthen the connection between you and your furry friend. Plus, a well-groomed coat means a happier, more comfortable dog.

Regular Brushing: A Key Routine

Both Cavapoos and Goldendoodles have coats that can range from wavy to curly, and regular brushing is essential to prevent mats and tangles. I recommend brushing your pup at least three times a week. Daily brushing is even better if you can manage it.

It is best to use a slicker brush and comb that is designed for curly coats. Start from the roots and gently work your way to the tips. Pay special attention to areas that tend to mat, like behind the ears, under the legs, and around the collar.

Bath Time Bliss

Bathing your Cavapoo or Goldendoodle should be a pleasant experience. Use a gentle, dog-friendly shampoo that’s free from harsh chemicals. Typically, a bath every 2-4 weeks is enough, depending on their activity level and coat type.

Make sure you rinse the fur completely to remove all shampoo residue down to the skin, as any residue can irritate their skin. After the bath, towel dry your pup and use a blow dryer on a low setting to dry their coat completely. Damp fur can lead to matting and skin issues.

Regular Trimming and Professional Grooming

Regular trims are crucial to keeping your Cavapoo or Goldendoodle looking their best. Visiting a professional groomer every 6-8 weeks ensures that your pup’s coat is well-maintained. A groomer can also handle more delicate tasks like nail trimming and ear cleaning.

Between grooming sessions, you can keep your pup looking tidy by trimming around their eyes, paws, and sanitary areas. Always use blunt-tipped scissors and be gentle to avoid any accidents.

Nutrition for a Healthy Coat

A shiny, healthy coat starts with proper nutrition. Make sure your Cavapoo or Goldendoodle is eating a balanced diet which has essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Regular vet check-ups will ensure they’re getting all the nutrients they need for a vibrant coat. We recommend salmon oil for a shiny healthy coat. 

Seasonal Coat Care Tips

During the warmer months, regular brushing helps keep your pup cool by removing excess fur. In winter, a well-groomed coat provides natural insulation. Be mindful of ice and snow that can stick to their fur, and always dry your pup thoroughly after winter walks to prevent chill.

Loving Care Makes All the Difference

Caring for your Cavapoo or Goldendoodle’s coat is a true act of love. It’s not just about keeping them clean and tidy; it’s about ensuring they feel comfortable, healthy, and loved. At Jones Farm Puppies, we believe every grooming session is an opportunity to show your dog how much you care.

By following these tips, you’ll help your Cavapoo or Goldendoodle look and feel their best. And remember, our Puppy Kindergarten program can provide additional guidance on grooming, ensuring your pup gets the best start in life.

We recommend the Spa Kit for bath time and overall coat care. 

Embrace the joy of grooming, and watch as your bond with your beautiful pup grows stronger with each brush stroke and bath time cuddle.